Stay Informed
Event Info

Chicks Are Coming!
We appreciate your patience as our chick shipments are delayed this year. Due to high demand and recent changes, hatcheries are working hard to fulfill our orders.
If you have a special request or would like to be notified when chicks arrive, please call the store to add your name and number to our list. We’ll give you a courtesy call when they arrive!
All chicks are sold on a first-come, first-served basis—thank you for your understanding!
The following dates indicate the weeks we anticipate receiving each breed. Please note that these are tentative and subject to change based on availability. While we strive to provide the breeds listed, we cannot guarantee exact arrivals.
Additionally, all breeds listed below are 90% guaranteed pullets (female chicks).
Week of 2/12:
- Americanas
- Black Australorps
- Buff Orpingtons
- Rhode Island Reds
- Speckled Sussex
- Production Blues
Week of 2/24:
- Lavender Orpingtons
- Silver Laced Wyandottes
- French Blue Cooper Marans
- White Leghorns
- ISA Browns
- Blue Silkie Bantams (Straight Run Only)
- White Silkie Bantams (Straight Run Only)
- Red Frizzle Bantams (Straight Run Only)
- Silver Polish
Week of 3/3:
- White Leghorns
- Cinnamon Queens
- Easter Eggers
- Red Stars
- Turkens (naked-necks)
Week of 3/10:
- California Whites
- Black Jersey Giants
- Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
- Light Brahmas
- Golden Comets
- Production Blues
- Black Silkie Bantams (Straight Run only)
- White Silkie Bantams (Straight Run only)
- Golden Polish
- White Crested Blue Polis
Week of 3/17:
- Barred Rocks
- Lavender Wyandottes
- Blue Australorps
- Dark Brahmas
- French Black Copper Marans
- Black Stars
- Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys (Straight Run only)
- Broad Breasted White Turkeys (Straight Run only)
- Cornish Cross (Straight Run only)
- Black Swedish Ducks (Straight Run only)
- Mallard Ducks (Straight Run only)
- Khaki Campbell Ducks (Straight Run only)
Week of 3/24:
- Cuckoo Marans
- Columbian Wyandottes
- Production Blues
- Assorted Giant Cochins
- Easter Eggers
- Blue Australorps
- Blue Silkie Bantams (Straight Run only)
- White Silkie Bantams (Straight Run only)
- Red Frizzle Bantams (Straight Run only)
- Buff Laced Polish
Week of 4/1:
- White Leghorns
- Buff Orpingtons
- Turkens (naked-necks)
- French Black Copper Marans
- White Crested Ducks (Straight Run Only)
- Black Swedish Ducks (Straight Run Only)
Week of 4/7:
- Golden Laced Wyandottes
- Red Stars
- White Jersey Giants
- Black Australorps
- Lavender Orpingtons
- Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys (Straight Run)
Week of 4/14:
- Cinnamon Queens
- Light Brahmas
- Silver Laced Wyandottes
- Americanas
- Cornish Cross (Straight Run Only)
- Black Silkie Bantams (Straight Run Only)
- White Silkie Bantams (Straight Run Only)
- Silver Polish
Week of 4/21:
- French Blue Cooper Marans
- Speckled Sussex
- Barred Rocks
- Buff Orpingtons
- Golden Comets
- Mallard Ducks (Straight Run Only)
- Khaki Campbell Ducks (Straight Run Only)
Week of 4/28:
- Columbian Wyandottes
- Rhode Island Reds
- Sapphire Gems
- Black sex Links
- Dark Brahmas
- Assorted Guineas (Straight Run Only)
Week of 5/5:
- White Leghorns
- Black Stars
- Turkens (naked-necks)
- Production Blues
- Cuckoo Marans
- White Silkie Bantams
- Blue Silkie Bantams
- Red Freeze Bantams
- White Crested Blue Polish
Week of 5/12:
- Americanas
- Red Stars
- Lavender Orpingtons
- Black Australorps
- Cornish Cross (Straight Run)
Week of 5/19:
- Easter Eggers
- French Black Copper Marans
- Blue Laced Red Wyanottes
- Buff Orpingtons
- Delawares
Special Offers